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Collection: Interflon - Innovation Lubricant Solution

3 products

Interflon to help with your biking needs, Fin Super contains our unique patented MicPol technology. The micronized and polarised MicPol particles penetrate the links and adhere to the moving parts of your chain leaving dry film protection that resists water and contaminants, dramatically reducing the wear and stretch of your bike chain.

  • Interflon Fin Super (Aerosol) 300 ML Can - Clean Lube That Penetrates, Cleans, Lubricates and Protects
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  • Interflon Fin Grease (Aerosol) 300 ML Can - Transparent General Purpose Grease Fortified with MicPol®
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  • Interflon Metal Clean F 500 ML (aerosol) Can - Industrial Grade Metal Cleaner and Degreaser
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